Monday, May 3, 2010

Having guts always works out for me.

Things in my life are ending. Just as things in my life are beginning.
I am bracing myself for the wave of much needed change that is upon me.
I am finally feeling the spark of inspiration that I lost somewhere back there.

Although tempting, I refrained from reading the newest book in my collection from cover to cover. Things I Have Learned In My Life So Far by Stefan Sagmeister
Reading the pages of this book felt like seeing a movie and leaving with the impossible feeling of wanting to see it again for the first time.
I read 10 of the 15 mini books yesterday & today and I think I will save the last 5 for a special day.

Sagmeister explains the culmination of this "experimental" work that came from his year long sabbatical in which he "would design no projects for clients but investigate how the work would change with no outside briefs or deadlines attached."
"Veteran designers Ivan Chermayeff and Tom Geismar (of Chermayeff & Geismar fame) told me they had been planning a similar move for the past fifty years."

I need a bigger book shelf.

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