Wednesday, June 6, 2012

20 Under 40

Last Thursday, I was awarded an amazing honor of being named one of Lubbock's Top 20 Under 40 by the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce and the Young Professionals of Greater Lubbock. As in, the top 20 individuals under the age of 40 who are actively involved in community engagement, volunteer efforts, and who are projected to continue the positive professional growth of Lubbock, Texas.

I am truly honored and feel so very fortunate that my path in life has brought me here.

This is the new award proudly displayed on my bookshelf!

Aaaand, me with the 20 Under 40 Award (wearing my amazing $20 vintage dress that I found at Culture Clothing!)

I <3 LBB


Claire said...

So amazing! I hope you realize how awesome you are, because everybody else has :)

valbrown said...

Thanks so much Claire! Loves you